The various printings constantly integrated into apparel manufacturing, subverting traditional visual senses and artistic concepts. The trend of printing is worthy of paying attention to.

Now, please look through the autumn and winter printing trends for woman apparel with me.

1. Pulse ripple

The shredded stripes draw inspiration from the pulse pattern, twisting geometric patterns, flowers, characters, landscapes and works of art to create a dynamic visual effect.

2. Geometry pixel

The geometry pattern presents a psychedelic visual style, and the structural design begins to heat up, presenting a technological texture through the pixelated style of geometric patterns.

3. Luster gradient

The bright color bloom  presents the sci-fi luster, and the bright colors of this season change from embellished to fashionable. The mutual combination of bright colors creates a digital and sci-fi atmosphere.

4. Crazy text

The text pattern presents a computer-edited visual effect. Superimpose, scale, and distort, presenting a psychedelic texture through text.

5. Liquid animal print

The art-inspired animal print becomes a new abstract pattern that combines two popular print trends, and the animal print pattern presents a liquid abstract appearance, creating a new abstract artistic effect.